
The Edmonton Chinese Bilingual Education Association is proud to be the first organization to offer awards to encourage students to continue learning Chinese language, Chinese culture and most importantly, to share what they learn with the broader multicultural and inter-generational community.

Since 1990, the ECBEA has recognized student achievement in academics, leadership, community service, sports, culture, writing, dance and music.

ECBEA Scholarship Process

  • Awards are funded by individuals, businesses, community organizations, endowments, families
  • Scholarships are available to eligible students from grade 6 to grade 12
  • Students must be in Edmonton’s Chinese Bilingual Program continuously from grade 4
  • Online applications are accepted from July 1
  • Funders collaborate with the ECBEA to establish the criteria and qualifications required for the scholarship, independent from the judging team
  • The judging team is comprised of past and present ECBEA members, alumni and community members. Each member reviews applications independently.
  • Awards can be withheld if there are no qualified applicants
  • The ECBEA Awards & Scholarship Committee uses the results of the judging team to determine the scholarship recipients
  • Decisions of the Scholarship Jury are final

ECBEA Scholarship Sponsorship Opportunities

The ECBEA has partnered with corporate, community and family sponsors since 1996 to offer scholarships for exemplary students in academics, leadership, culture, writing, community service and sportsmanship. If your organization is interested in becoming a scholarship sponsor, please inquire with an email to

The ECBEA has distributed 3195 awards with a monetary value of $400,450 to deserving students, many who have received international credentials in their studies.

ECBEA 15th Annual Awards Recipients for 2022-2023 School Year

ECBEA 14th Annual Awards Program Booklet (2021-2022 School Year)

ECBEA 13th Annual Award Recipients for 2020-2021 School YearCeremony Video

ECBEA 12th Annual Award Recipients for 2019-2020 School Year

ECBEA Centennial Scholarship Endowment Fund

The ECBEA Centennial Scholarship Endowment Fund is a legacy fund established by the Edmonton Chinese Bilingual Education Association (ECBEA) in 2005 to celebrate the City of Edmonton’s Centennial and Alberta’s 100th Anniversary, a fitting tribute to our multicultural city and this great province.

The objective is to ensure the longevity of scholarships made available to future generations of students in the Chinese (Mandarin) Bilingual Program in Edmonton Public Schools.

Contributions to the fund are added to the strong foundation already established. Only the interest or gains are used to provide scholarships.

Our ongoing campaign seeks contributions from corporations, community organizations, educational institutions, individuals and bequests.

“In memoriam” donations are meaningful and lasting ways to honour a friend or loved one.

Any contribution, large or small, is greatly appreciated.

The ECBEA is entrusted to maintain and grow other scholarship endowment funds as well. We take serious responsibility in our efforts to support “the best Chinese language program outside of China.”

Please consider your contribution to be an investment in the youthful human capital of our city and province.


Please mail your donations to:

Edmonton Chinese Bilingual Education Association
Box 220, #21-10405 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 3S2

A contribution to the ECBEA Centennial Scholarship Endowment Fund is eligible for an official receipt for income tax purposes.

The ECBEA is a registered charitable organization. Registration number 130559941RR0001    Canada Revenue Agency

The ECBEA Awards & Scholarship Committee is working to expand our offerings of even more innovative and imaginative scholarships to benefit students in the Chinese Bilingual Program.